Afghanistan Desertification and Soil Erosion
Afghanistan's problem is poor management of the environment, over the years the government's main focuses has been on winning wars but because of these constant and continues wars the Afghan government has completely ignored the environment.
One of the main problems occurring in Afghanistan is de-vegetation, over 70% of Afghanistan's forests have been cut down a long with most of the small shrubs scattered all over the country side for fuel, because of this drastic de-vegetation, desertification has been rapidly accruing, without the trees and shrubs Afghanistan's natural deserts are allowed to move freely across the country slowly turning all it touches in to desert
The other main problem in Afghanistan is soil erosion, around 80% of the country is effected by soil erosion which is mostly cased by the geography and the weather of Afghanistan. steep slopes and deep valleys along with unpredictable rain patterns year to year on top of high wind speeds all over the country is what is causing the most soil erosion but the lack proper
farming and miss use of land has also taking into effect and more and more land that was once able to be farmed on is slowly turning into dust.
Another problem Afghanistan is facing is directly connected to war which is that Afghanistan is covered in land mines, according postconflict.unep "Landmines kill or maim an estimated 10 to 12 people every day in Afghanistan. At one point the area contaminated by landmines in Afghanistan covered almost 780 square kilometers" this is a deadly problem that needs to be fixed if all of Afghanistan's lands are to recover.
What is clear is that Afghanistan is in a lot of trouble when it comes to their environment but the government has only now just started to take action, land management will be highly important in the upcoming years for Afghanistan, re-foresting and the overall re planting off all vegetation is key to slow down and hopefully stop the effects of desertification, the protection of the grasslands and low to the ground plant life that stops the process of desertification and flooding need to be protected from the high wind speeds of the flat lands of Afghanistan. But what really needs to take place is the that the Afghanistan government needs to take action now if they want to save their environment.
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